Excerpts from a journey called Life - June
Life has always been an easy affair as a...
I recently came across this awesome quote - Darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis! This led me to ponder on it for a while. Going by the saying literally, darkest places would be full soon with the state of affairs in today's competitive world. Razor edged people, striving hard to succeed have lost their individuality, their point of view. No one wishes to have his say freely. People have become used to bear anything and everything that comes their way provided they are given the opportunity to rise up the corporate ladder. Diplomatic statements, fabricated answers, fictitious smiles have become the rule of the road. They have forgotten their real self, which has been waiting to be unraveled since ages. The inner self cries, longing for freedom. It wishes to shout out aloud, show the true virtuous personality one has. But every time, it tries to, those arrogant dons of the corporate world snub it and bury it deep within; never to turn to life again.